Friday, August 10, 2012

The Day Before...

(cue thought-provoking serious music)

Tomorrow, I run.

I've been training for a couple of months, adding 30 seconds more running here, walking 30 seconds less there and the first Monday after I got back from My Paddleboarding Adventure, I knew I had to leave the dog in the crate and see how far I could go, so that I would have some idea of how deeply I might be embarrassing myself on Saturday.

I don't think I slept two hours in a row Sunday night.  I kept waking up with dread, thinking I'm going to try to run and I'm going to DIE a quarter mile in.  Fear and dread!  Anxiety and trepidation!

And it went...

well.  Surprisingly well.  I walked my normal five minute warmup, and started to run.  I promised myself that I would stop when I felt physically unable to continue.

I kid you not, I became Forrest Freaking Gump.  I didn't run for 3 years, 2 months, 14 days and 16 hours, but I ran about 25 minutes without stopping.  Without throwing up.  Without a side stitch!

And I felt like I could've run more if I'd needed to.

I did feel like I was in early shin splints, but that wore off with some ibuprofen and some rest.  I planned to do this run-until-I-can't one more time before race day.

And my schedule went all to hell.  Did not get to run again until this morning, and I sure didn't want to run two days in a row, but I'm going to.  Did the 5 minute warmup, which is probably just under a quarter mile and ran all but the last 2 tenths of TWO miles.  My left ankle complained a lot at first and then shut the hell up.  In short, in the words of Gwen Stefani, I am hella positive for real.

But, good dress, bad show as the actors say.

Say your prayers for me tomorrow.

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