Wednesday, July 06, 2011

I Haz a Home Team!

Thank you, ICHC.
 A semi-pro soccer team!  In my own backyard!  The Knoxville Force is here, and I finally got to see them play Sunday, against Monterrey's  U-20 team.  The weather was hot and humid, and the soccer got slow, but it was an interesting game and the level of play impressed me.  I wasn't hoping for Barcelona, but I was hoping it wouldn't be a slugfest.  Now that they are finally having home games, I'm going on vacation.  I have it in mind to see the game on 7/16, which might have one of Austin's old teammates present.  Anyway, I will be there more NEXT YEAR~!

May the Force be with you.  And me.

Friday, July 01, 2011

I'm Cheating

and using a Plinky prompt.  God help me.

Today's topic?  Name a product you love that has been discontinued.

(shades of sponge-worthiness!)

I choose Lemon Up shampoo.  It was the bomb-diggity when I was younger.   And blonder.  That was the thing to do in the 70's - try to DIY highlights with lemon juice and sunshine.  (Do not try this at home unless you are a *true* blond.  You might end up brassy and brassy is not good.)  The beauty of Lemon Up was that it would (supposedly) highlight while you shampooed.  Smelled terrific, too.  Unfortunately, it was kinda rough on hair with continued use, although to be fair Lemon Up conditioner was available as well.  It was even kind of hard to find then - just one drugstore in town sold it.  I used to buy all they had when I would come home from college and I could have made a killing if I had been the type to black market.