Kurt Vonnegut dead at the age of 84.
Sure, he's been wanting off this planet for some time, and sure, he even tried to check out early once.
But, goddammit, I ain't ready for this.
A writer. An artist. A thinker. A 21st century Renaissance man. World's first Bokonist. That rarest of things: a decent human being.
God bless you, Mr. Rosewater. Hi ho. So it goes.
Here's a couple things to remember him by: this essay on fossil fuel addiction and other inconvenient truths, and this little portrait on inspiration.

So, today, in his honor, go out and goof around in Indiana or South Dakota or Tierra del Fuego or wherever the hell you find yourself. Be kind to somebody. Do something decent for your planet. Remember: company's coming! clean up the mess!
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