Waaaaaaaaay back in the day, when dinosaurs had just recently met their
demise, I went to the UK for the summer as an exchange student. To this day, I don't know what they exchanged me for. As you might imagine, getting there involved an airplane ride or two, and airplane rides usually involve long idle hours standing around waiting. Loooooooong idle hours. Waiting.
So, standing around JFK one August afternoon in 1980 (told you it was post-dinosaurs!), my friend and I spotted a familiar face sitting and waiting in one of those impossibly uncomfortable

airport seats. You know, the ones that are not just a seat, but a whole line of seats created to bring order to the chaos of jet travel in chrome and shinyl vinyl. The kind and gentle face of Mr. Bill Cosby, actor, comedian, all-around Mr. Congeniality and Jello spokesperson.
Unless you interrupt him at the airport.
My friend and I noticed him and began to whisper back and forth: that looks like Cos! Sitting in the hallway at JFK? Can't be. But it looks just like him! You ask. No, you. No, you.
This went on a good ten minutes until we had ourselves worked up into a frenzy of celebrity awe. We approached.
May we have your autograph?
Long silence.
Eons of freaking silence.
Whole worlds - and dinosaurs! - were created and ceased to exist during this silence.
And then...
He spoke.
"Can you say please?" with just a drop of unctuous disdain.
Older, wiser (ha!) me now realizes that this was just typical Cosby humor. Younger, idiot me felt like she'd been assessed and found wanting. Horrifically wanting. NAKEDLY wanting. In-front-of-the-entire-school-ridicule and the Defcon One nuclear strike of shame.
It's hard to talk about now. But, that which does not kill me makes me stronger.
Yeah, right. Eat a booger, Bill Cosby.