Sometime during the lovely quicksandish sleep I get between the moment my husband's alarm clock sounds and he gets up (shaking the bed like a series of minor earthquakes) and the moment my own alarm clock erupts, I had the most peculiar dream.
I dreamed I had another baby, which is impossible enough, but then this particular baby was actually a hamster.
And I named her Linda.
So what does all this have to do with the bathing beauty screen right?
He - Cristiano Ronaldo, Manchester United's version of Jesus - was in the dream, too. At some strange and marvelous water park where I took Linda. And I asked him if he would go home to Spain or to Brazil (he's from neither). He took offense, not because I failed to realize he was Portuguese, but because, as he said, he was going home. To New York. Because he was American.
Let that prove prophetic. Let him one day (and before he's washed up, please Jesus) be a New York Red Bull.
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