Could have used a scoop of vanilla ice cream, but very very tasty.
Anyway, I want to give thanks for the fact that I only had to say the words "fat dripper" once this year.
See, it's high school come back to haint me. I took home ec the unfortunate year I was a freshman and my sister was a senior. We had a quiz on the names of various kitchen implements. I did not know the term "baster", but I knew it's purpose. Hence, "fat dripper."
I am calling a moratorium on all the various labels I have placed on my children and will hereafter do my utmost not to make them repeat embarrassing stories.
Otherwise, Turkey Day was fab.
Hope yours was too.
p.s. I am also thankful for anybody who ever reads this exercise in egotism. Because like Opal said in Because of Winn-Dixie, music (or, rambling in cyberspace) is better if someone's listening.
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