1. Landon Donovan, underachiever extraordinaire, singlehandedly sent Team USA packing yesterday!
2. FIFA referees are the world's best!
3. Bruce Arena is the devil!
4. English soccer is creative and exciting to watch!
5. MIXX 105.5 plays MY favorites from the 70's, 80's and 90's!
OK, so "none of the above" is not an option. It's 98 degrees with 300% humidity. My underwear keeps bunching up and my team went home waaaaay too early. Color me cranky. And sarcastic.

But this helps make it better.
Big ups to Dempsey, who scored our only goal! Hope to see you playing in Europe, but not for those pissy Englishters:). Big ups to Gooch, who may be going to play for those pissy Englishters, for learning quickly what a referee will tolerate. It's not your fault that people fall down when they run into you. Thanks to Italy and Ghana for showing us where we need to post those "No Diving Allowed!" signs.
2010 is just around the corner. But for now, ANYBODY but Germany, Italy, Ghana or England!