Thursday, September 27, 2012

Co-op Adventures

Soccer took me to Knoxville this past Saturday, so an adventure was planned.

Been wanting to check out the Three Rivers Market on North Central Street, but had qualms about taking my Soccer Mom self into such a den of hippie freakiness. 

Or at least, that's how I pictured it.  Creaky wooden floors, dust motes riding the sunbeams down from the transom windows.  Flower children smoking clove cigarettes in the parking lot.  Everything smelling of patchouli.

Well, no.  Perhaps the windows are a bit transom-esque, but all in all in no way resembling my mental picture of a health food co-op.  It was bright and new and the very epitome of the 21st century modern market place.  And they have EVERYTHING, and a lot of it is organic.  I loved the bins - oat flour, flax seed, spices, etc.  THIS is where I'll be buying that sort of thing when I'm in town.  I just did a walk thru and picked up a couple of things (chronically short of cash, I am).  Organic avocados at $1.29 each were my bargain-of-the-trip and Josie bought some kind of protein bar that she said was really good.  I think it was a PowerBar.  Do not quote me.  Three Rivers had all kinds of beers, a hot food bar, local meats and cheeses, and an unbelievable assortment of foods that go under the heading "whole grains." 

Then I went downtown and littered.  And I had the children help.  Technically, we recycled, but since we're not  Knoxvillians, I'm pretty sure the Recycling Authorities would consider this a crime.  My bad.

So, out gallivanting in parts unknown and committing crime.  Adventure Level 7!

p.s. I also stole the photo from Three Rivers, so consider that crediting the source.  :)

Friday, September 21, 2012

F is for Friday, F is for Fun!

So, here's a picture of my dog, Luci, giving all her attention to the SCHS girls soccer game versus Cocke County High yesterday evening.  (We won!  Yay!)

Other fun things I can't wait for:

Stomp Out Breast Cancer, coming October 6th here in beautiful downtown Sevierville.  A Wine Walk (starting at 9:00 AM!) to benefit breast cancer research.  All over the Parkway!  What about this doesn't say fun????!!!  I'm bringing a friend sister.  Why don't you?

The Santa Hustle Smokies 5K/Half Marathon run.  Please, God, no snow.  But, heck yes to Santa beards and attire!  Must start planning costume now.  Who's with me?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

To Kindle or Not to Kindle?

How to spend that birthday money?  That is the question.

Been thinking about a Kindle.  Everybody I know that has one, loves it.  I'm wicked tempted, but I have approximately 10 thousand paperbacks to be read at my house.  I love the feel of a book in my hands, cracking the spine, turning the pages.  I also love cool toys.  And I realize this is not and either/or situation.

What say you, dear reader?  Do you embrace technology or get all Luddite and threatened?

EDIT:  I went for it, dear readers.  A basic Kindle is en route to me now.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How I Spent My Birthday Weekend

hiking.  Once in the rain and once in the cool fall sun.

Saturday we did the Pete's Branch Falls hike in the Horse Creek area of Cherokee National Forest.  The weather has been hot and dry and Pete's Branch was largely gone and the falls were nonexistent.  However, it began to rain a bit as we approached and sought cover under the bluff.  Enough rain fell for a trickle to begin where I imagine a beautiful falls normally flows.  Nice easy hiking, and no one else on the trail.  While we got a little wet, overall it was a good hike.  The dogs got to run and the people had fun.

Margarette Falls was tackled on Sunday afternoon, under those intensely blue skies September sometimes gifts us with.  Odd to remember my 13th birthday was spent similarly - my first Sunday in Tennessee.  Lots of people out hiking this trail, some with dogs, some in (high-heeled) clogs.  This is a Turtlehead (? - not quite sure about spelling) and it is a member of the orchid family according to a learned hiker we met who lost his KFC to a lost dog he tried to help.

My little black dog enjoyed the walk.

400th post!

And people said it couldn't be done.

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Golden Year Begins

Yes, I am officially a year older.  No, I am not 49 and holding.

I am 49 and Golden.

Me and David Bowie.

Take THAT, haters.